A rich set of networking tools for administrator.
This assembly contains a list of tools such as:
- port scanner
- whois
- ping
- netstat
- traceroute
- my IP
- DNS dig (nslookup)
- MX
Please rate this application. If you have problems, do not rush to put a bad mark - please contact the developer via email.
Future versions will extend the functionality of the application.一组丰富的网络管理员工具。
- 端口扫描器
- Whois信息
- 平
- netstat命令
- 路由跟踪
- 我的IP
- MX
请评价此应用程序。如果你有问题,不要急于把一个坏的标志 - 请通过电子邮件联系开发商。